Bextra is a COX 2 drug manufactured by Pfizer. When Bextra was first released in 2001, Bextra packages included a warning about side effects such as stomach pain, diarrhea, heartburn, back pain, headache, nausea, and upper respiratory infection. In November 2002, Pfizer, upon the FDA’s orders, strengthened the Contraindications, Warnings, and Adverse Reactions sections Bextra’s prescribing information.
On April 7, 2005, Pfizer withdrew Bextra from the market at the FDA’s request. The FDA requested the withdrawal because of the incidence among Bextra users of heart attacks, strokes, and a potentially fatal skin condition called Stevens Johnson Syndrome.
On November 9, 2004, a study presented to the American Heart Association indicated that Bextra might carry a higher risk of fatal heart attacks, as much as two times, and cardiac problems than other COX 2 inhibitors. Bextra also appears to increase a patient’s risk of stroke. In light of this evidence, the FDA has strongly urged physicians to limit the number of prescriptions for Bextra and to consider Bextra alternatives when administering care.
Bextra has also been linked to Stevens Johnson Syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis and exfoliative dermatitis, as well as assorted allergic reactions. Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) are two forms of the skin disease that can cause rash, skin peeling, and sores on the mucous membranes. Both Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis can be life threatening.
Stevens Johnson Syndrome is an immune-complex–mediated hypersensitivity disorder. Sufferers of Stevens Johnson Syndrome demonstrate a blistering of mucous membranes, typically in the mouth, eyes, and vagina, and patchy areas of rash. Sufferers of toxic epidermal necrolysis also experience a blistering of mucous membranes. In addition, the entire epidermis peels off in sheets from large areas of the body. Both Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis can be life threatening.